Join OMLB in its mission to revitalize neighborhoods by transforming green spaces into healthy and vibrant places!

About the Program

Interested in adopting a land bank lot to create a beautiful and productive space for your neighborhood?

OMLB is looking to partner with residents, businesses, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, or neighborhood groups who are eligible to adopt a land bank lot to create a beautiful and productive space for your neighborhood.

Through this program, not only will you be able to temporarily activate a lot without the legal and financial long-term commitments, but you can also take advantage of our lunch and learn events and access lot activation resources.

Examples of Prohibited Uses

  • Parking of ANY type of vehicle
  • Installation of ANY type of permanent structure
  • Tree planting
  • Housed or roam-free pets/animals
  • Storage of large piles of compost
  • NO private business of any type
  • NO religious services
  • NO unapproved parties/gatherings
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages


Contact OMLB by emailing us at [email protected].

Program Need to Knows

8 Golden tips before you apply.

  1. Anyone interested in adopting a property must complete an application. All applications are subject to OMLB approval.
  2. Approved applicants will receive a one-year license to temporarily maintain and utilize the property for permitted projects outlined in their license granted by OMLB.
  3. Review the application on the website to familiarize yourself with the questions.
  4. Review the permitted and prohibited uses for Adopt-A-Lot properties before applying. 
  5. Review the list of available OMLB Standard Inventory properties on our website.
  6. Conduct due diligence. All applicants should research the property by visiting the lot and contact City Planning to verify that your intended use is permitted under City zoning regulations.
  7. Applications will be reviewed biweekly until all spots in the program are filled.
  8. Still have questions about the program? Contact our office at 402-800-1240 to speak with our team.

What to know once you're approved.

  • ADOPTED LOTS REMAIN UNDER THE OWNERSHIP OF THE OMAHA MUNICIPAL LAND BANK. The Licensee is granted the privilege of usage of the lot.
  • Licensees will be required to enter into a hold-harmless agreement releasing OMLB of any liability that may arise from the maintenance of the lot.
  • Provide Waiver of Subrogation and proof of Limited Liability Insurance – Certificate of Insurance (COI).
  • Quarterly inspections will be performed by OMLB to verify compliance with regulations. Adopted lots found to be in noncompliance will result in the revocation of the Licensee’s privilege.
  • Complete a mandatory orientation.
  • OMLB will host optional Lunch and Learn events as well as an end-of-the-season community celebration.
  • The subject property will remain listed on the website for transparency purposes.
  • If during the term of the license a third party applies to purchase the licensed property, the Licensee shall be provided notice of the application and should the Licensee wish to apply to purchase the licensed property then Licensee shall be given 30 days from the date of notice to apply to purchase the licensed property. The Licensee’s qualified application shall be given priority.
  • If the Licensee chooses not to apply to purchase the licensed property, any other approved applicants will be bound by the current Adopt-A-Lot license agreement terms and conditions.

What if you want to purchase your lot?

  • Adoptees can submit an application for their adopted lot 60 days before their term lease ends.
  • Adoptees will be subject to the standard Disposition process

Which properties are eligible?

Only “non-buildable” properties are eligible for adoption. To find a list of “non-buildable” lots, please follow the steps below:
  1. Click on “Buy Property” above to view a list of properties or click on the link here: OMLB Properties
  2. Click on the Filters option and select “No” in the Buildable section.
  3. Click on “Inventory Type” from the Filters tab and select OMLB Standard Inventory.
  4. Click “Apply”
  5. A list of non-buildable lots should populate in the right-hand section for you to review. Only properties with a “For Sale” property status are eligible for this program. 

Is there a cost?

  • Approved applications require a one-time $25 licensing fee to be paid at the time of orientation.